Something else...

Partea 1

    Cea mai mare problema cu oamenii din ziua de azi e ca sunt foarte complexati.. traiesc dupa seturi de reguli prestabilite de societate si actioneaza in comformitate cu acestea.. nu numai ca libertatea lor le este limitata, dar sistemul e conceput atat de bine incat oamenii m-ar putea face prost pentru ca indraznesc sa le arat si alta fata a realitatii.. le este ciudat si greu sa inteleaga o chestie iesita din comun, care nu apartine conceptiei colective a majoritatii oamenilor de pe acest Pamant.. ignoranta lor, refuzul de a asculta macar, nu neaparat de a accepta sau a se schimba, vine din mentalitatea care le-a fost impusa de mii de ani.. oamenii se cred atat de liberi, ca tind sa se confunde cu niste zei uneori.. dar e doar o amagire oarba, cu care se hranesc.. e iluzia fals raspandita ca 'toti suntem egali/oameni', ca exista un loc pe aceasta planeta pentru oricine..doar convietuim in turme, nu? suntem uniti si asta ne face ceea ce suntem azi, fiintele cele mai "evoluate" si cele mai sus clasate.. o ierarhie care tinde sa ameninte speciile inferioare, doar pentru satisfacerea placerilor si nevoilor noastre .. suntem atat de mandrii ca ne nastem oameni, ca avem atatea posibilitati, si ca noi avem puterea de a alege.. puterea de a domina un teritoriu personal, un grup de oameni/animale/plante, o planeta.. puterea sa remodelam lumea, dupa placul nostru.. avem puterea de a fi constienti, dar totusi nu realizam asta.. se spune ca 'odata cu puterea vine o mare responsabilitate'.. am primit aceasta putere , si totusi cum o folosim? ce am facut noi pana in prezent ca sa valorificam libertatea, egalitatea si cel mai important VIATA.. cati dintre noi realizeaza ca e de ajuns sa ai o viata si ca e cea mai mare bogatie care o poti avea.. e greu, stiu, dar macar un pic sa ne gandim.. cate eforturi trebuiesc depuse pentru a ne naste.. pai nu prea multe, nu? e nevoie de o femela, un mascul, un ritual de imperechere si rabdare, sa se nasca copilul.. ce usor.. dar daca numaram toate fenomenele fizice, chimice implicate in cresterea noastra, maturizare, in adaptarea la conditii, resursele consumate pentru ca o singura fiinta sa poata supravietui, realizam ca totusi nu e asa simplu cum pare, si ca, chiar in acest moment, universul depune eforturi uriase pentru a ne mentine existenta.. ne temem atat de mult de moarte, si insistam, ca nu vrem sa murim, pentru ca tinem atat de mult la viata noastra.. dar ne plangem doar atunci cand suntem in situatii de criza, ca in rest ne umplem vietile cu atatea distractii ( vb. a distrage ) , ca suntem coplesiti de placerile sau suferinta care ne-o cauzeaza acestea.. viata care ne-a fost data, cea pe care nu am dat bani si nu datoram nimanui nimic, o pretuim cu atata orgoliu,  ca nu intelegem ca nu suntem deloc liberi, si ca depindem de o serie de factori care participa la sustinerea vietii noastre.. trebuie sa mancam, sa bem, sa eliminam substantele 'nefolositoare' ( organism lenes care nu are chef sa evolueze ).. ca eu sa pot sa scriu aceste cuvinte, voua cititorilor, trebuie sa am echipament electronic, curent electric, software, internet, iar pentru asta trebuie ca cineva in trecut sa le inventeze, sa le produca in masa, sa consume mult timp si energie, sa le distribuie/comercializeze, iar eu pentru a le cumpara am nevoie iar de timp, energie depusa pentru a castiga banul care ulterior va cumpara ustensilele necesare.. dar cel mai important este, defapt.. daca nu ma nasteam? nu aveam cum sa desenez acesti pixeli luminosi pe ecranele voastre sub forma unui limbaj sintactic.. era de ajuns o secunda sa pierd un metrou si sa nu ajung la un examen de care depindea dispozitia.. sau viata mea.. doar un pas gresit si sa nu mai eram aici ca sa va impartasesc aceste ganduri.. si nu se stie ce propune viitorul.. de ce gandirea asta cu 'daca?'.. pai e scanteia care da viata tuturor curiozitatilor, care ne-au impins pana in prezent sa cercetam, descoperim, inventam, lumea din ziua de azi.. trebuie sa fim constienti ca o actiune efectuata este ireversibilia.. DAR nu reparabila cum sustin altii.. pentru ca reparatul este o alta actiune care complica si mai mult lucrurile.. o scuza nu poate vindeca durerea.. trebuie sa mergem direct la sursa.. la mintea noastra.. si voi insista cu ea, de cate ori este nevoie, pana se intelege ca ea sta la baza a tot ce intelegem si felul in care percepem realitatea..


Part 1

    Being unlovable or not would not bring you joy or happiness, as i am just a stranger, evil genius i might say, and you can't be affected by how i feel because of two major things: 1. people don't usually care about a person who is on the other side of the planet, a person they don't know, a person who is not part of the family or friends circle, a person whom they don't have any interest with, a person who doesn't look interesting, a person who writes this message i am writing to you, all readers.. and 2. why would we express 'how we are' if just mentioning that might make someone change it's mood? why would you want to know if i am sad, just so you would say: "awww, i'm so sorry".. well let me tell you, i always am sad, and i don't show that to anyone.. people around me might think i am emo, depressive a lot or have mental problems.. it's not that.. why would i not be sad if just spending one second thinking of how the human kind reached a boiling point of blindness and stupidity.. we forgot what it means to be free and what it means to cherish our lives, with good and bad, because nothing ever happens without a reason.. we tend to grasp only to beautiful things, and when something bad ever happens in our lives, we consider that life is a big sh*t.. well it really is that way.. but only because we make it this way.. and i am not talking only about the physical part of the sh*t.. it's about our mentality too.. why bring a child on this world, when there is so much suffering around us.. and not just pain or crying.. the suffering of not knowing who we are, being undecided, and letting someone else decide for our lives.. being forced to live as robots, being so restricted and unable to think for ourselves.. with all the technology we have today, we consider ourselves evolved, but what are we, really? why did the lust for power got us to this point, where we are captive in our own world and almost impossible to turn back or escape.. why are we doing this to ourselves? we are still humans and we can never forget where we came from, but it is in ourselves to rediscover the inner us, the pure counciousness of wisdom, the true human nature and freedom.. oh yes, don't you think for a second that you are free.. your mind, it's guided by surroundings, by things that we like or not, we manifest depending on what our perception comes in contact with..

Part 2

    Your mind is like a weather, unpredictable, forever changing and never calm.. we cry when we suffer, we are happy when something beautiful to us, happens.. but what if we didn't laugh or cry whatever thing might happened? sounds strange right? but what if we'd control our mind, and not let it wonder around freely, confused and without purpose or focus? wouldn't that mean that WE are in control, and not it? subcouncious  is the most important aspect of our personality, character, mentality, etc.. it's called instinct.. there we gather all the information we came in contact during our lives.. i mean absolutely everything.. why do we fear something  that was tragic in our childhood? your parents surely told you not to play with fire, because it burns.. but how many of us listened and never tryed to see what fire really is? i'm sure we all got in contact someday of ourlives, and learned a valuable lesson: don't play with fire.. in such manner, works everything in our mind.. we learn by experience.. how can i know what a green apple tastes if i'd only see it in a picture? to really be sure, we have to test it.. and by testing it, we gain knowledge and therefore, we learn from our mistakes.. because not all of us likes green apples.. how can we be sure before we didn't grab a bite.. we let ourselves be directed by whatever guides us.. what if we didn't like the green apples, but still, we'd eat one? physically it wouldn't cause us any harm, i'm sure it would contribute very well to your health, but what happens in our mind? we become disgusted with every bite we take, and feel like a cat having bath.. our body immediately turns defense on, and some might even throw up, because our organism thinks it's something that would harm us.. it's all just in our heads, it's the illusions most of us live with nowdays.. not realizing that we own a mind, it's aspects and not controlling it, it's the most harm a man can cause to himself.. we see two persons.. first that comes in contact it's the visual perception.. one looks better that another [in our minds].. we go a little closer, we then start to gather more information.. one smells better, one's voice sound's nicer, one's skin maybe tastes better than the others[lol].. if a person has qualities that we like very much, this is what we call: "love at first sight".. after that, it's great period of time, where all the romance happens, but the it gradually starts to lower it's intensity.. why? the major problem is because we start to realize who that person really is.. the way he talks, what he likes, reactions, etc.. this is called a preconception.. because we think something, that will eventually be ruined by the truth.. we can never judge a book by it's cover, as we cannot judge a man by its look.. to really know a man would mean to read everything is stored in his mind.. i bet you can't do that..

Part 3

    It's not impossible to read someone's mind, it's just an ability we lost.. we got lazy and invented the speech.. but what is the speech? phrases are made of sentences.. sentences are made of words.. words are made of letters.. and letters are just visual representations of sounds.. that's why, when we hear a language we don't know, we hear some strange sounds.. but what is the disadvantage to letters? when i say the word 'apple' you can't really know about what apple i am talking about.. if i say 'green apple', then again, infinite green apples can exist, because that green can have many shades.. so to give enough information, about how the apple looks, how it tastes, smells, it's position in the universe, and other details, it would take me almost all my life to write about it, because there are lots to be said about it, to be very precise about what i am talking about.. but the green apple deteriorates in time, so i can't write all my life about it.. but when we use mind to mind communication, aka telepathy we can describe such object in a fraction of time, making the use of speech inferior, and useless.. i know is hard to understand what i am talking about because, nowdays telepathy is a superpower, paranormal to us.. but is it? how do we know what is normal or not? some consider it's not normal to eat soup with a fork.. it's not impossible, i can do it, it will just take lot longer to eat the soup.. so we find this 'normal' as a pattern created by the society to define something that is not unusual to us.. the real truth lies behind the mass manipulation of human kind, by the great economical, social, political, religious powers which desperately wanted to hide the truth from the man.. why? because it would bring him freedom.. for example.. christianism used to believe in reincarnation.. now it denies it.. why again? because a thief would say that he would steal and live in crime in this life, and in the next one he will be good.. with great power (culture, intelligence, wisdom), comes great responsability.. that's why every master didn't reveal secrets to all his students.. same happens with society.. we all agreed we need a system to take care of our needs, to protect our liberty, but what we did, is to limit it.. today, the modern human goes to a doctor to cure himself from diseases and illness.. but how did the ancient human gene live until today? did they had doctors those days? no! everything we need lies in our body, and within plants.. all these new viruses that appear, are because of chemical pollution that imbues our daily lives.. we become weaker and weaker, not being able to cure a cold disease without a pill..

Part 4

    Another great thing we didn't understand is socializing.. and it should not refer only to speaking with persons we enjoy, but to help our human brother when it needs us.. suffering always comes with expectations.. because we want something in return, and many times we put it in a balance to check if it has the same value the thing that's been returned.. by helping others you help yourself, i am not going to talk about God or religions yet because there is lot to be said.. don't think of it like you are getting a reward from God if you are a good and honest person.. why do you think we smile when someone smiles, or we get sad when someone cries? it's in our nature to care for others.. our gene is in the top of the food chain because we lived like a pack, and managed to survive by helping each other.. but then again.. animal instincts can't be forgotten that easy, even though we call ourselves so evolved.. like every animal creature living in this world, it's all about surviving.. beasts mark their territory, defend it and fight for it.. we are not far from them.. in ancient times we used the fist .. now, in modern time, we use something else: culture, intelligence.. some of us are still primates, and still use the fist to show their masculinity.. others use fashion, and all kind of strange and unusual looks to gather attention, like emo style or goths.. sadly, most of us take advantage of fame and wealth to catch attention, manipulate, because of the much emphasis put on money.. yes, it's a great invention, a very good way to convert our work into anything we wish to have [buy].. but you see, this animal instinct of us, always wants more.. there always must be an alpha male.. we always want to get higher and higher.. even if it matters to make others suffer.. we get richer and others become poor.. and when we have so much money in our hands, we become so blinded by it, because it ensures us prosperity, survival and a superior social position above others.. all this for what? many get so fat because of excess eating, we forget who we really are and what are the things to really treasure in life.. all these things we have today, people back then, hundreds of years ago, didn't had them, and yet they could manage to survive.. i put accent on this survival because it's our primal instinct that dictates our lives.. we all fear death, but we don't really know why..

Part 5

    We all heard about it.. but what do we think it is? we all have a great fear for it, but why? well, it's simple.. we are born with absolutely nothing, but our body.. it's the pure innocence stage of our lives.. we have no fears, no worries, no interests, no plans, no nothing.. except our survival instinct.. with days passing by, our physical body starts to develop, and our perception takes form.. it's very important how things will evolve from now on, because they are crucial to our mentality, as we are easily influenced by the environment we come into contact.. parents love their children, and they wouldn't want to harm their kids, but some have the surprise to realize, when it's too late, that their children become spoiled, naughty and uncontrollable, due to bad education that's been given to them.. if you beat a child for 7 years with, let's say, a red stick, then it's a big chance that all his life he will fear or have something against red sticks.. it's what's been implemented in his mind for all this time..he knows it's bad, and that he has to protect himself from it.. we fear bugs, spiders, mice, the dark, in our childhood, and with time, even at adulthood we to continue to fear them.. but we never think about it.. why? bugs, spiders and mice, might bite.. but how about the dark? we fear the unknown.. we know that there could be anything.. maybe a giant pink elephant, a hungry siberian tiger or whatever our imagination starts to wonder.. it's very important what the child comes in contact with, because if he never tastes or hears of candy, then we will never ask for it.. if he doesn't know Santa exists, then he will not expect presents under the Christmas matters a lot what we teach this developing human being, because what it's done it can never be undone.. we forget things, but in our minds, everything is still there, and our subconscious never stops working.. for example: if we see a green apple.. then we recognize what object it is, and assign him the color green.. if you see me, then you remember what kind of person i am, and will act depending of what opinion you have about me.. if i slapped you, then you will not talk to me.. at least not until i say i am sorry.. this is the way humans begin their life too.. if they are taught in one way, they will unconscious react to the surroundings, accordingly to what they have learned.. our minds are like hard disks, gathering information, with every moment passing by.. i'm sure you didn't notice all the people around you, when you were walking on the street, because you maybe you weren't paying attention, but trust me, your mind did saw them, and it surely got influenced by it.. asking yourself one day,  where do you know that person from, and having no clue about it..

Part 6

    It's not just the first years of our lives that count.. what we are being thought at schools is important too.. because we create our world, in our minds, egos form.. we then begin to believe things, have impressions and opinions.. but the major problem is teenagers don't really know what to believe in.. who doesn't want to be popular? being in the center of attention is a great feeling.. in school, there's the rich guy, the nice guy, the funny guy, the weird guy, the ugly guy, and other categories.. but these are just surface attributes, to classify people into a hierarchy.. we could always take the weird guy and make him rich.. the funny guy can become a serial killer and the ugly guy the president of united states.. underneath these masks, aren't we all the same? the same species.. the 'same blood and DNA', with small different details.. any of those guys will eventually die.. it's inevitable..[maybe.. but i'll talk about it some other time].. getting back to why we fear death.. one reason would be, that we don't like to suffer in pain.. sure, that can be easily arranged with a sedative and some poison.. are we ready to die, then? i don't think so.. the most important reason to why don't want to die is, the fear of losing everything we gathered during our, friends, wealth.. now comes the tricky part.. i say it again.. it's inevitable.. we all die.. my question for all humans would be, why would you want to gather fortune during all your life if you didn't achieve something great, and lost all your belongings in one second? you take nothing with you after you die, except your good and bad deeds.. now i am talking about you, not the others, so don't put them in this equation.. what did YOU do, to leave this world with no regrets? did you always forgive those who made you suffer? did you give a helping hand to those in need? what great things did you do, that people are proud of you? why do you think we get to the dying bed realizing that what we did is was not good, or not enough?  because during our lives we were blinded by all these things that distract us more and more nowdays.. if we would always think like we are dying in the next moment, we would treasure every second, everything we say and do.. i'm not asking that.. but, just never forget that someday you might regret something you did, because every action has a reaction..

Part 7

    People are saying who do i think i am to say all these things, how do i know i am right, and how did i ever get to think like this.. Well, these are questions i also ask myself, and to be honest, i am not sure about anything i know or say.. They don't realize i'm not the problem here, for writing these words, and that the reader is the one who can understand less or more, interpret whatever comes to his mind, and judge depending on his beliefs, based on social, cultural, political, religious meanings he gathered along his life.. It's not my words who disturb you, it's the process happening in your mind.. i am not responsible for your OWN thoughts that arise.. not many think i am right or not.. this dualism of good and bad, right or wrong, yin and yang, it's actually the main thing that makes us what we are today.. its the main ILLUSION that complicates our lives so much.. it's the main reason why we create hierarchies, categories, ranks, classifications, etc.. because it creates the DIFFERENCE.. what this difference does, is separate things from each other, and thus creating one [from my opinion] bad mentality for humans.. there is this big question who we all asked ourselves or other: Who is God?? well let's take for example the traditional famous mythical figure, in which many religions say the human took the form and image of God.. well why? what is the most approving way to connect with this entity, than creating a bound with a spirit that looks just like us.. it makes it easier for us because we socialize with IT, the same as we would do with another human.. but without forgetting he is above all us, all-knowing, all-seeing, and that we should make his will and unconditionally fear him.. all his disciples [priests], are empowered by him, and thus, we must listen to them also, because they "know" the true and ONLY path.. this was one of the story of mass manipulation that took place on this very earth, because many didn't think for theirselves.. it was easier to agree with others, to be forced to believe in something, so that we would never have the chance to be free, or as high and the priests, Jesus or God.. we would be just humble servants.. all of this for POWER..

Part 8

    Many would ask questions like: why He would creates us just so we would live in suffering? well, you have to be in darkness to want to turn the lights on.. because if everything was bright for us, we'd have "no worries, no hopes, no dreams".. we wouldn't learn a valuable lesson, who would be easier to understand by taking part of it, then just telling it as a story and following it blindly.. and maybe, because God decided it would have been too boring if everything was peaceful and quiet.. as i said earlier, everything happens for a reason.. and the reason 'bad things' exist, is because we created them.. we separated some actions from another, in two groups, good or bad.. some claim their truth is the real truth, and only them (like many religions), know what is really good or bad.. but aren't these just 2 terms that define something that we like/understand, or not? just like being normal or anormal/paranormal.. all the religions in the world, have, or should have one supreme goal: illumination, nirvana, redemption, call it whatever you like.. and for your suprise, even satanism.. the difference between each of them are sets of techniques required to gain the salvation of the soul.. but why did many lose interest in religion? we now live in a world of technological progress, a world where almost anything can be proven by math, physics, chemistry, and other sciences.. what people need today is the proof of existence..but they are so naive and so relaxed, they think science will solve everything for them, from cures for diseases to unanswered questions of the universe.. they don't have the proof of having a soul or a mind, so they deny the need for religion..and if they do, they pray to an entity from whom they expect to get what they want, and usually when they are in crysis.. they don't understand their potential, the way they work, their own existence.. you directly affect the universe by just being alive, but consider that even non-existence is a factor that influences the universe, because if you had another 3 brothers or sisters, it would have been totally different..